Research Topics
- AI related services
- AI based Anomaly Detection : Network Traffic, Sensor System
- AI based Survival Analysis : Lung cancer analysis
- Software Defined Network/Infrastructure
- User-Aware Intelligent Network Provisioning
- Improving Reliability and Fault Tolerance of Message Dissemination under Large Scale Geographical Failure
- Big Data Systems and Applications
- GRID/Cloud Network/Systems
- Social Networking System
- Leaveraging Online Social Networks for Reputation Systems and Sybil Defense
- Analyzing the property of message dissemination over Social Network
- AI applied Cyber Physical Systems
- Location Aware Services with Trajectory/Location Clustering and Prediction
- Analyzing User Personality based on Smart Phone Usage
- BlockChain
- DNSLAB Youtube Channel
Current Projects
Period | Title | PI | Fund Support |
2021.April.01 ~ 2028.December.31 | SW중심대학(전남대학교) [National Program for Excellence in SW(Chonnam National University)] | PI | IITP (Institute for Information & communications Technology Promotion), Republic of Korea |
2019.January.01 ~ 2025.December.31 | 융합보안핵심인재양성사업 (Regional strategic industry convergence security core talent training business) | PI | KISA (Korea Internet & Security Agency), Republic of Korea |
2019.July.01 ~ 2022.December.31 | 암 정밀의학을 위한 디지털 트윈 플랫폼 개발 (Development of digital twin platform for precision oncology) | CO | NRF (National Research Foundation of Korea), Republic of Korea |
2021.August.23 ~ 2022.November.30 | STEP(Space, Task, Equipmet, People) 모형 기반의 재활운동및체육 관련 프로그램 개발 및 검증 확산에 관한 연구 | CO | National Rehabilitation Center, Republic of Korea |
Past Projects
Period | Title | PI | Fund Support |
2016.June.01 ~ 2021.December.31 | 도시재난재해대응스마트시스템연구센터 (Research on ICT Convergence System for Urban Disaster) | CO | IITP (Institute for Information & communications Technology Promotion), Republic of Korea |
2021.November.01 ~ 2021.December.17 | 이더리움 플랫폼 보안 취약점 현황 조사 (Investigation of Vulnerability Trends of Ethereum Platform Security) | PI | KISA (Korea Internet & Security Agency), Republic of Korea |
2017.March.01 ~ 2021.Feburary.28 | SDN기반 재난대응 고신뢰 네트워크 기술 연구 (Research on SDN based Disaster Responsive Highly Reliable Network) | PI | NRF (National Research Foundation of Korea), Republic of Korea |
2020.September.16 ~ 2021.Feburary.28 | 인공지능데이터구축사업 - 폐암 예후 예측 (Artificial Intelligence Data Construction Project - Lung Cancer Prognosis Prediction) | SUB-PI | NIA (National Information Society Agency), Republic of Korea |
2020.September.04 ~ 2020.December.31 | DNA 기반 인텐트 네트워크 플랫폼 및 KOREN/TEIN 국제협력 실증 (DNA-based intent network platform and KOREN/TEIN international cooperation demonstration) | SUB-PI | NIA (National Information Society Agency), Republic of Korea |
2019.April.01 ~ 2019.November.30 | Concolic Testing 경로 폭발 난제 해결 방안 연구 (Research on Path Explosion of Concolic Testing) | PI | NSRI (National Security Research Institute), Republic of Korea |
2018.June.15 ~ 2018.December.15 | KOREN SDI기반 오픈플랫폼 실증(Open Platform DevOps on KOREN SDI) | SUB-PI | NIA (National Information Society Agency), Republic of Korea |
2016.January.01 ~ 2017.December.31 | 빅데이터 수집·저장·처리 플랫폼 연구 및 현장실증 테스트 프로세스 연구 (Research of BigData Collecting/Storing/Processing Platform and Testing Processes) | PI | RDA (Rural Development Administration), Republic of Korea |
2017.June.26 ~ 2017.November.30 | 산업인터넷 확산을 위한 KOREN 오픈플랫폼 실증 (KOREN Open Platform for the Industry Internet Spread) | SUB-PI | NIA (National Information Society Agency), Republic of Korea |
2017.April.14 ~ 2017.September.10 | SNS 재난상황관리 활용기술 개발의 타당성 검증 및 과제기획 (Validity Investigation and Task Planning of Applied Technologies of SNS based Disaster Management) | PI | NDMI (National Disaster Management Institute), Republic of Korea |
2014.May.01 ~ 2017.April.30 | Personalized warning notification system based on geosocial big data (지오소셜 빅데이터 기반 개인 맞춤형 경보 통지 시스템) |
PI | NRF (National Research Foundation of Korea), Republic of Korea |
2016.April.01 ~ 2016.December.31 | 서비스/단말/네트워크 다양성 지원을 위한 미래형 다차원 네트워크 시스템 아키텍쳐 연구 (Study on the multi-dimensional Future Network System Architecture for diversity of Services, Terminals and Networks) | CO | IITP (Institute for Information & communications Technology Promotion), Republic of Korea |
2015.July.15 ~ 2015.December.11 | Substantiation of Detection and Prevention of Network Attacks under SDN/NFV Environment (SDN/NFV 등 미래네트워크 환경에서의 공격탐지 및 방어 실증) |
PI | NIA (National Information Society Agency), Republic of Korea |
2015.July.15 ~ 2015.December.11 | Global SDN Testbed and Its Test for Corresponding to Disasters using APII/TEIN (APII/TEIN망을 이용한 재난대응 SDN 테스트베드 구축 및 실증) |
CO | NIA (National Information Society Agency), Republic of Korea |
2015.April.15 ~ 2015.November.31 | Research on Evaluation Methods for NFV/Cloud based Security Product (NFV 및 클라우드 기반 정보보호제품 시험방법 연구) |
PI | NSRI (National Security Research Institute), Republic of Korea |
2014.July.01 ~ 2015.January.31 | Global Trade Platform: Manufactures x Buyer (글로벌 무역 플랫폼:제조회사 X 바이어) |
PI | LINC(Leaders in INdustry-university Cooperation), NRF (National Research Foundation of Korea), Republic of Korea |
2013.January.01 ~ 2014.December.31 | Intelligent User Interface Platform for Next Generation Mobile Devices (차세대 휴대폰용 지능형 사용자 인터페이스 플랫폼 기술개발) |
SUB-PI | MSIP (Ministry of Science, ICT&Future Planning), Republic of Korea |
2014.March.01 ~ 2014.October.31 | Study on user management and service deployment for virtualization service of Advanced research networks (첨단 연구망 가상화 서비스를 위한 사용자 관리 및 서비스 구축 방안 연구) |
CO | KISTI (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information), Republic of Korea |
2014.March.16 ~ 2014.October.31 | Analysis of security holes of SDN and study on effective counter plans (SDN 취약점 분석 및 대응방안에 관한 연구) |
PI | NSRI (National Security Research Institute), Republic of Korea |
2012.June.01 ~ 2014.June.30 | Research of correlation between network layers in multi-layer overlay networks (다층 오버레이 네트워크에서 네트워크 레이어간의 상관관계 연구) |
PI | Chonnam National University, Republic of Korea |
2013.July.01 ~ 2014.Feburary.28 | WiFi Handover Technique Development (Wi-Fi Handover 기술개발) |
CO | MSIP, Republic of Korea |